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I Failed

Thursday May 19, 2022
I told you I wasn't going to be consistant on it.

Your most recent dream

This isn't from the list I linked but I found it on some printest page. I'm on a medication that causes me to have very vivid dreams which I don't mind all that much because they spice up my already boring life. Last night I dreamt that I had found a patch of field pea plants labeled "Native pea plants. Take as you want FREE." I wanted to show my partner who is interested in gardening and likes peas more than I do but he wasn't there so I went searching for him. Immediately out of the side street where the plants were was a bustling metropolis. I was instantly bombarded by ads telling me to buy the new Converse backpack. There was even a man following me telling me to buy! I eventually got to a small hut where two other people were, and I knew them in the dream. One of them told me they're finalizing the tickets to the train so we can "get out of here." I told them I couldn't find my partner so we can't leave yet. He said "well think fast because by 12 the train comes and we're leaving, with or without you two." I left the hut to continue looking and was in a different place. I walked back to the side street with the plants and they were still there so I walked further along. I found my mother and sister and they told me to "hurry, we'll miss the ferry." I told them no I have to go somewhere else, but they grabbed me by the arm and dragged me over to a boat. We set off onto this lake and there was two very large, very tall bridges. One I knew was the way to Mexico, the other the way to San Francisco. A man approached me and asked if I had come from Mexico and I told him no. He said "ah, you must have come from San Francisco then." Again, I told him no. So he asked where I was coming from. I said I was coming from [UNKNOWN]. Literally, that's not a censorship on my part. The dream did not let me know where I was coming from. He looked at me strange and walked away.
Eventually we landed on shore. I hopped out and saw this area that on a previous dream was a bicyclists paradise. It was now flooded and a swamp. I went to the docks they'd built and yelled out for my partner. He came on a row boat and told me to hop on so I did. I told him about the people needing to go on the train and he asked me if leaving was something I wanted. I said I wasn't sure. I told him about the man on the ferry and he was confused as I was about it. He offered me some fish. I declined even though I was very hungry. We saw other boats on the swamp and the sun was setting. I told him it's time to go and he agreed so we made our way back to the docks and once my foot touched the dock I woke up.
There's many ways to interpret these different parts of the dream. I don't know where to even point at or analyze because it would just be so...personal and need so much backstory. So I'll leave it at that.

The 365 Writing Challenge

Tuesday May 17, 2022
I want to start my thoughts page by trying out a 365 writing challenge. I honestly don't think I'm going to actually do it. I am following a prompt from this website as it was the first one on google and it sounds kind of interesting. It's a cute little idea, I think, so I'm going to start it and see where it takes me.

Outside the Window

weather app showing 65 degree weather
This is todays weather. Very nice I'd say. Only something about going outside in this weather is that it feels strangely uncomfortable. There's wind but it's a bit humid, just a bit, and the sun is just so powerful. I used to live in California and the weather there was very different there from here in the Midwest, of course. The feeling of the salty ocean air is something I can never forget. I would live in more inland areas since it was cheaper to do so, however I would take any opportunity I had to trek over to the oceanside and spend time dipping my toes in the sand and walking along the shore, collecting cool rocks and shells. Oh how I miss that feeling. It was so freeing, almost. It made you feel so small. But it was not a scary small, it was a small that made you appreciate your life. You could run down the shore where the water was and feel like you can't stop, nor do you want to. You could take a dip into the ocean with it's huge waves and understand the limit of where to stand as to not be consumed by the ocean. There was a sense of respect and also fear. And joy. It's a feeling like no other.
The feeling of coming back home from a day at the beach was beautiful; massive. Your skin toasty from the sun. Salt everywhere. Hair stuck together. You'd have to shower to make sure all the sand gets off you. All of this might sound unpleasant, maybe even like work. But it's so rewarding. The night after going to the beach you can feel the wave movements still on your skin, the sensations tingling on your arms, legs, torso. You simply cannot feel this in any of those Great Lakes around here that the people here so proudly declare "shark free" and whatnot. Even if they've experienced the wonder of the Pacific Ocean, I feel like they'll never appreciate it fully.
And that's another thing. When I moved out here and simply stated once that I was from California, it's like all they talked to me about was that I won't get used to the weather and how am I liking the weather (usually followed by patronizing laughter). At one point they gave me a sticker with the "no sharks" Great Lakes logo. Very disappointing.
You know most people say to look around and see the different beauty in the place you are now. And yeah, I've seen the beauty in the river nearby and the geese and the possums of which I've never seen before. Also turtles which I've never seen in the wild as well. Frozen river was always a wonder to see. Swans being on the frozen river was a sight to behold as well.
a deep green turtle on the ground a frozen river
There just will forever be a lack.